Here’s a simplified Q&A with scenarios to help understand when self-billed e-Invoices can be issued:
Q: I operate a grocery store, and some of my suppliers haven’t implemented e-invoicing yet. Can I issue self-billed e-invoices for these purchases?
A: Let me explain with examples when you can and cannot issue self-billed e-Invoices:
Scenario 1: NOT ALLOWED
– You buy vegetables worth RM5,000 from ABC Sdn Bhd
– ABC Sdn Bhd hasn’t implemented e-invoice yet
– You CANNOT issue self-billed e-Invoice in this case because regular business purchases are not listed under Section 8.3
Scenario 2: ALLOWED
– You buy vegetables worth RM500 from Farmer John (an individual who is not running a registered business)
– You CAN issue self-billed e-Invoice because transactions with individuals who are not conducting business is listed under Section 8.3
The only circumstances where self-billed e-Invoices are allowed are:
1. Payments to agents, dealers, distributors
2. Purchases from foreign suppliers
3. Profit distributions (e.g., dividends)
4. E-commerce platform transactions
5. Betting and gaming payouts
6. Transactions with individuals not conducting business
7. Interest payments (with some exceptions)
8. Insurance claims, compensations or benefit payments
Remember: You cannot issue self-billed e-Invoice just because your supplier hasn’t implemented e-Invoice yet or your suppliers are unable to provide you e-invoice.
The transaction must fall under one of the categories listed in Section 8.3.
In the transition period, if your supplier hasn’t implemented e-Invoice yet, you should continue using their normal tax invoice/receipt for your records until they implement e-Invoice according to their mandatory implementation timeline.
– 您从 ABC Sdn Bhd 购买价值5000令吉的蔬菜
– ABC Sdn Bhd 尚未实施电子发票
– 您不能开具自开发票,因为常规商业采购不在第8.3节中列出
– 您从农夫约翰(Farmer John,非注册企业经营者)处购买价值500令吉的蔬菜
– 您可以开具自开票电子发票,因为与非企业经营者进行的交易属于第8.3条规定的范围
1. 向代理商、经销商、分销商付款
2. 向外国供应商采购
3. 利润分配(例如股息)
4. 电子商务平台交易
5. 博彩和游戏支出
6. 与非经营业务之个人的交易
7. 利息支付(部分例外情况)
8. 保险索赔、补偿或福利支付