Stamp duty is waived on a loan instrument or a financing agreement pertaining to a loan or financing facility made between a small and medium enterprise and a financial institution.
1. 根据这项指令 [Stamp Duty (Exemption) (No. 10) Order 2021]: 👉 在马来西亚国家银行中小企业基金下批准的贷款或融资机制 👉 中小企业与金融机构之间针对(2)的贷款或融资机制 👉 可免征印花税
2. 贷款配套 [loan or financing facility]:
✅ 所有经济部门配套 [All Economic Sectors Facility]
✅ 中小型企业自动化和数字化配套 [Small Medium Enterprises Automation and Digitalization Facility];或
✅ 农业食品配套 [Agrofood Facility]