Digital Transformation Begins: CCS Seminar Empowers Malaysian Chinese Independent High Schools

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CCS – Chartered Accountants was honoured to organise this seminar on e-invoicing for Dong Zong and the educators of Chinese Independent High Schools of Malaysia.

With a total of 250 participants online and offline, the seminar was a great opportunity to discuss the operation of e-invoicing and share valuable experiences in practice.

Through this seminar, Dong Zong and Chinese Independent High Schools of Malaysia gained an in-depth understanding of the various operational procedures of e-invoicing and the challenges they may face during its implementation.

We believe that it laid a solid foundation for everyone to implement e-invoicing and provided valuable ideas for future preparation.

CCS sincerely hopes that this seminar will be the starting point for Dong Zong and Chinese Independent High Schools of Malaysia to improve processes and optimise management in their daily operations.

Through brainstorming, we believe that Dong Zong and Chinese Independent High Schools of Malaysia will be able to better adapt to the future e-invoice system and move smoothly into the new era of information management.

Once again, we would like to thank Dong Zong and Chinese Independent High Schools of Malaysia for their recognition and participation!

CCS – Chartered Accountants非常荣幸能为 董总 Dong Zong 以及全国独中的教育工作者、财务部同仁们举办这场关于电子发票的讲座。




CCS 衷心希望,这场讲座能够成为大家在日常运作中改善流程、优化管理的起点。



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