IAASB raises the Bar for Quality Management – All You Need to Know About the Firm’s Risk Assessment

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1) This is a critical time for professional accountants in public practice. Many standards are evolving, with none perhaps more important than the suite of new and revised quality management standards approved by the IAASB. 2) Three (3) new quality management standards, namely:

  • International Standards on Quality Management (ISQMs) which encompass ISQM 1,
  • ISQM 2 and the International Standards on Auditing,
  • ISA 220 (Revised)

will be effective from 15 December 2022.

3) The standards, aim to achieve a more robust System of Quality Management for firms using the IAASB’s standards and mark an evolution from a traditional, more linear approach to quality control. 4) The new standards introduce a robust, scalable, and proactive approach to audit quality management which is central to ensuring trust and sustainability in the audit profession.

5) There are eight (8) components of ISQM 1 and unlike the elements of extent of ISQC 1 that appear disconnected from one another, the 8 components in ISQM 1 are designed to be highly integrated. 6) The 8 components are:

  • Governance and leadership,
  • Firm’s Risk assessment process,
  • Relevant ethical requirements,
  • Acceptance and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements,
  • Engagement performance,
  • Resources,
  • Information and communication, and
  • Monitoring and remediation process.


1. 为了推动全球会计行业采纳扎实、积极主动、可调适和有效的质量管理方法,国际审计与鉴证准则理事会(IAASB)发布:

👉 国际质量管理准则第1号(ISQM 1);

👉 国际质量管理准则第2号(ISQM 2);及

👉 修订后的国际审计准则第220号(ISA 220)

2. 这三项准则将于2022年12月15日生效。

3. 这标志着当前国际质量管理准则体系的深度变革。

4. 上述准则将敦促审计行业 #AuditFirm :

👉 不再着眼于质量“控制” [Control],

👉 而是通过质量“管理” [Management] 方法持续开展高质量执业

5. 同时也将促使会计师事务所领导层承担更多责任,从而确保会计师事务所在发展战略和运营过程中秉持质量至上的理念,不断提升执业质量,并在发现问题后及时采取整改措施。

6. 质量管理系统 【International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM)】有八个组成部分,分别是:

~ 治理和领导、

~ 公司的风险评估程序、

~ 道德要求、

~ 接受和继续客户关系和具体业务、

~ 绩效、

~ 资源、

~ 信息系统与沟通、

~ 监控和补救。

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