Distribution of Partnership Profits Accounting

he process of spreading the total profit or net loss of a partnership among its participants in the proportion corresponding to the Profit-Sharing Ratio is referred to as the distribution of profits. In the absence of a partnership agreement, each partner is entitled to an equal share of the partnership’s net profit or a net […]

Special Accounts for Partnerships | 合伙企业的特别账户

Appropriation Account It continues from the profit and loss account and illustrates how the profit or loss will be treated between the partners. Elements that fall under the purview of the appropriation account: 拨款账户 拨款账户是从损益账户延续出来的,主要说明合伙人之间何处理利润或损失。 属于拨款账户范围内的要素: Example / 例子 By December 31 at the end of the first year, the partnership realized a net profit […]