Special Accounts for Partnerships | 合伙企业的特别账户

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Appropriation Account

It continues from the profit and loss account and illustrates how the profit or loss will be treated between the partners.

Elements that fall under the purview of the appropriation account:

  • Partners’ Salary
  • Interest on Capital 
  • Interest on Drawings
  • Share of the remaining Profit/(Loss)




  • 合伙人的工资
  • 资本的利息 
  • 提款的利息
  • 剩余利润/(亏损)的份额

Example / 例子

By December 31 at the end of the first year, the partnership realized a net profit of RM50,000. Tan and Chin had agreed to a 50:50 split in their partnership agreement.

到第一年年底的12月31日,合伙企业获得 50 千令吉的净利润。


Drawings Account

Each partner has their own drawings account.

A drawing account is a type of accounting record maintained to keep track of the money that the owners of a company pull.

A drawing account is most commonly utilised by sole proprietorships and partnerships.

Withdrawals made by owners of companies (Incorporated under Companies Act 2016) or Limited Liability Partnership that are taxed as separate entities often need to be accounted for either as wages or as dividends or share of profits.

To close the books at the end of the year, Credit each partner’s drawing account and debit each partner’s Capital Account or Current Account for the balance in that same partner’s drawing account.






在年底结账时,将每个合伙人的提款账户记入贷方,并将同一合伙人的提款账户中的余额借入每个合伙人的资本账户 [Capital Account] 或往来账户 [Current Account]。

Capital Accounts

Each of the partners will have its own capital accounts.

The capital accounts may either be:

  • Fluctuating Capital Accounts – all of the items from the appropriation account are transferred into the partners’ Capital Accounts.; the drawings account of each partner is closed off to the partners’ capital accounts.
  • Fixed Capital Accounts – the capital account balances do not change unless a partner contributes more capital. The elements in the Appropriation Account now get entered into the partners’ Current Accounts.




  • 波动资本账户 — 拨款账户的所有项目都转入合伙人的资本账户 [Capital Accounts];因此每个合伙人的提款账户清算后,会转移到合伙人的资本账户。
  • 固定资本账户 — 资本账户的余额不发生变化,除非有合伙人投入更多的资本。拨款账户中的项目现在被输入到合伙人的往来账户 [Current Accounts] 中。

Current Account

In a partnership where the Capital accounts are fixed, each partner will have their Current Account.

These accounts are used to complete the double entry from the Appropriation Account (salaries, interest on capital, interest on drawings, profit or loss sharing).

The drawing account of each partner is transferred to the current account.

Any interest that accrues on a loan that the partner has provided to the company is also credited to the current account for the partners.

BE CAREFUL! The profit or loss account will show the interest paid to a partner on a loan given to the company as a regular business expense.


在资本账户固定的合伙企业中,每个合伙人都会有自己的往来账户 [Current Account]。




请注意! 利润或亏损账户将显示支付给合伙人的贷款利息,作为常规业务费用。

Example / 例子

What is the difference between capital and current accounts?

There is, to some extent, no distinction between the two. The total amount of a partner’s capital equals the sum of the balances on both their current and capital accounts.

There is, in a certain sense, no distinction between the two. The aggregate amount of a partner’s capital equals the sum of the balances on both their capital account and their current account.

In actuality, however, it is more practical to maintain two distinct accounts: one for the amount of money each partner contributed to the partnership (known as the capital account), and another for the amount of money each partner has made as a result of the partnership’s involvement in various commercial endeavours (the current account).

As a result, the balance in the capital account is often unchanging, whereas the balance in the current account is calculated as the current total of appropriations plus the share of residual profit or loss, less drawings.





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