Revised E-Invoicing Implementation Timeline: Impacts and Challenges for Businesses

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During the budget presentation last Friday, our Prime Minister stated,

The government agrees to enforce e-invoicing mandatorily for taxpayers with annual income or sales exceeding 100 million ringgit, starting from 1 August 2024.

As for taxpayers falling under other income categories, implementation will be done in phases, with the target of full implementation starting from July 1, 2025.

Just as discussions were ongoing regarding the specific e-invoice implementation timeline, the Inland Revenue Board confirmed the revision of the implementation timeline during the 2023 National Tax Seminar held on 18 and 19 October 2023.

While the first phase of the implementation timeline has been postponed from 1 June 2024 to 1 August 2024, this poses a significant challenge for businesses with an annual turnover or income exceeding RM 100 million, which are required to adopt e-invoicing by 1 August 2024,

This is because the Software Development Kit is yet to be released, leaving them with less than 10 months to prepare.

Simultaneously, the decision to advance the mandatory implementation timeline for all other taxpayers to 1 July 2025, means that even banana fritter sellers who operate their business by the roadside will be required to issue e-invoices.

This compels all businesses to intensify their preparations starting now.

Businesses, what are your thoughts?

在上星期五的财政预算案中,我们的首相宣布了关于电子发票的重大消息: “Kerajaan bersetuju menguatkuasakan e-invois secara mandatori kepada pembayar cukai dengan pendapatan atau jualan tahunan melebihi 100 juta ringgit mulai 1 Ogos 2024.

Manakala, pembayar cukai mengikut kategori pendapatan selainnya akan dibuat secara berfasa dengan sasaran pelaksanaan menyeluruh mulai 1 Julai 2025.”


然而,正当电子发票的具体实施时间线引起广泛讨论之际,内陆税收局在2023年10月18日和19日的全国税收研讨会 [National Tax Conference 2023] 上确认了已经修改的时间线。






Facebook Live on e-invoicing


Attachments | 附件:

e-invoice Guideline version 2.1 | 电子发票指南 [ 2.1 版本] – 28.10.2023

e-invoice Specific Guideline version 1.1 | 电子发票具体指南 [ 1.1 版本] – 28.10.2023

e-Invoice Catalogue | 电子发票目录 – 12.10.2023

e-invoice Guideline version 2.0 | 电子发票指南 [ 2.0 版本] – 29.9.2023

e-invoice Specific Guideline version 1.0 | 电子发票具体指南 [ 1.0 版本] – 29.9.2023

e-Invoice Catalogue | 电子发票目录 – 29.9.2023

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电子发票改变您的企业 | Transform Your Business with E-Invoicing: An Insight-Sharing Session on IRBM Guidelines

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Sample of Malaysian e-invoicing

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