Overview of e-invoice issuance for transactions with the buyers

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When a buyer requests for an e-invoice, the process is as follows:

1) Buyer must provide their details for e-Invoice to Supplier

2) Supplier then issues and validates e-invoice with IRBM.

The supplier will receive a validated e-Invoice in PDF from IRBM via the MyInvois Portal.

3) Upon validation, the supplier shares the validated e-invoice (embedded with a QR code provided by IRBM) with the buyer.

4) Buyer may scan QR code to view e-Invoice validity

5) The buyer will be able to substantiate the transaction for tax purposes

However, if the buyer does not request an e-invoice for the transaction:

1) Supplier issues receipts/ bills/ invoices to the buyer (same as their current business practice)

2) Supplier consolidates all receipts/ bills/ invoices (monthly basis)

3) Supplier then issues and validates consolidated e-Invoice with IRBM within 7 calendar days after month-end

4) In this situation, the buyer cannot substantiate the transaction for tax purposes. Then, later, the eligibility for tax deduction may be lost.


1) 买方必须向供应商提供电子发票的详细信息

2) 供应商随后开创电子发票,并经 IRBM 验证。

供应商将通过 MyInvois 门户网站,收到 IRBM 发送的 PDF 格式的验证电子发票。

3) 验证后,供应商与买方共享经验证(内嵌 IRBM 提供的二维码)的电子发票。

4) 买方可扫描二维码 (QR Code) 查看电子发票的有效性。

5) 以税务为目,买方可以核实该交易


1) 供应商只向买方开出收据/账单/发票(就跟现在的做法一样)

2) 供应商合并所有收据/账单/发票(每月一次)

3) 供应商在月末后 7 天内,开出合并电子发票,让 IRBM 验证

4) 在这种情况下,买方无法为税务目,核实有关交易。那么日后,不排除将失去扣税的资格。

Attachments | 附件:

e-invoice Guideline version 2.1 | 电子发票指南 [ 2.1 版本] – 28.10.2023

e-invoice Specific Guideline version 1.1 | 电子发票具体指南 [ 1.1 版本] – 28.10.2023

e-Invoice Catalogue | 电子发票目录 – 12.10.2023

e-invoice Guideline version 2.0 | 电子发票指南 [ 2.0 版本] – 29.9.2023

e-invoice Specific Guideline version 1.0 | 电子发票具体指南 [ 1.0 版本] – 29.9.2023

e-Invoice Catalogue | 电子发票目录 – 29.9.2023

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