Geographical Indications Act 2022: Is given 10 years of protection

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1. A geographical indication (GI) is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. In order to function as a GI, a sign must identify a product as originating in a given place.

2. A registered geographical indication is given ten years of protection from the date of filing and is renewable for every ten years.

3. On 18 March 2022, the Geographical Indications Act 2022 (‘GIA 2022’) took effect.

4. The GIA 2022 replaces the Geographical Indications Act 2000, which was abolished on 18 March 2022, except as provided in the transitional provisions set out in section 100 of the GIA 2022.

5. The following subsidiary legislation has been enacted to carry out the GIA 2022’s provisions:

👉 The Geographical Indications Regulations 2022 [P.U.(A) 65/2022];

👉 The Trademarks (Amendment of First and Second Schedules) Order 2022 [P.U.(A) 66/2022]; and

👉 The Trademarks (Amendment) Regulations 2022 [P.U.(A) 67/2022].

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🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 1. 地理标志是一种用于具有特定地理来源的商品的标志,这些商品具有可主要归因于产地的品质、声誉或特征。

👉 一个标志要作为地理标志发挥作用,必须能够识别产品源自特定产地。

👉 此外,该产品的品质、特征或声誉在本质上也要归因于其原产地。

👉 由于质量取决于地理产地,因此在产品及其原产地之间存在明显的联系。

2. 已注册的地理标志从填报日期起获得十年的保护,并可每十年更新一次。

3. 2022年3月18日,2022年地理标志法令开始生效。

4. 2022年地理标志法令第100条规定的过渡性条款除外,它取代了于2022年3月18日废除的 2000年地理标志法令。

5. 为执行 2022 年地理标志法令的规定,同时也颁布了以下附属立法:-

👉 2022 年地理标志实施细则 [P.U.(A) 65/2022]。

👉 2022 年商标(第一和第二附表修订)指令 [P.U.(A) 66/2022]; 和

👉 2022 年商标(修订)实施细则 [P.U.(A) 67/2022]。

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