Employee Handbook: Your Guide to Workplace Policies and Procedures

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In the context of Malaysian employment law, an Employee Handbook, often referred to as an Employee Manual or Company Handbook, is a written document that outlines the policies, procedures, rules, and guidelines governing the employment relationship between an employer and its employees.

The employee handbook is not legally required in Malaysia. It serves as a reference guide for employees, providing information about their rights, responsibilities, and the company’s expectations.

An Employee Handbook typically covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Employment Terms and Conditions: Information about terms of employment, working hours, overtime, and leave policies.
  2. Code of Conduct: Expectations for employee behaviour, including standards of professionalism, ethics, and workplace behaviour.
  3. Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policies: Ensuring that the workplace is free from discrimination and harassment based on factors like gender, race, religion, and others.
  4. Health and Safety: Guidelines for workplace safety and procedures for reporting accidents or hazards.
  5. Leave Policies: Details on various types of leave, including annual leave, sick leave, maternity or paternity leave, public holidays, and the application procedures.
  6. Compensation and Benefits: Information about salary, benefits, bonuses, and other forms of compensation.
  7. Rules on dress code while working in the office: This section defines the company’s expectations regarding employee attire, ensuring a professional and appropriate workplace appearance.
  8. Privacy policy for employees handling personal data, sensitive, or confidential information: This is especially crucial for employees handling sensitive information, outlining their responsibilities in safeguarding privacy and data security.
  9. Alcohol and drug policy details the company’s stance on alcohol and drug use, typically emphasising a drug-free workplace and rules for alcohol consumption during work-related events.
  10. Rules on company email usage, breaks, and attendance: This section outlines guidelines for using company email for professional purposes, taking breaks during work hours, and maintaining good attendance. It provides employees with a clear understanding of what’s expected regarding punctuality and email communication.
  11. Guidelines for phone use (e.g., no private calls during work hours): This provides instructions on the appropriate use of personal phones in the workplace, emphasising that private calls should be limited during working hours to maintain productivity.
  12. Termination and Resignation Procedures: Procedures for ending the employment relationship, including notice periods and exit interviews.
  13. Grievance Procedures: Steps for addressing workplace conflicts or concerns.
  14. Confidentiality and Data Protection: Policies for handling company information and employee data.
  15. Employee Rights and Responsibilities: Outlining employees’ rights and obligations in the workplace.

The Employee Handbook is a valuable resource for both employers and employees, as it helps promote transparency, consistency, and fair treatment within the organisation.

It can also serve as a reference in disputes or legal matters related to employment.

Both employers and employees need to be aware of the contents of the Employee Handbook, as it forms part of the employment contract and may have legal implications. Additionally, the handbook should be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in labour laws or company policies.





雇佣条款和条件: 有关雇佣条款、工作时间、加班和休假政策的信息。

行为准则: 对员工行为的要求,包括专业精神、职业道德和工作场所行为标准。

非歧视和骚扰政策: 确保工作场所没有基于性别、种族、宗教等因素的歧视和骚扰。

健康与安全: 工作场所安全准则和报告事故或危险的程序。

休假政策: 各类假期的详细信息,包括年假、病假、产假或陪产假、公共假期以及申请程序。

薪酬和福利: 有关工资、福利、奖金及其他形式补偿的信息。

办公室工作时的着装规定: 该部分规定了公司对员工着装的要求,以确保工作场所的外观专业而得体。

员工处理个人数据、敏感或机密信息的隐私政策: 这对处理敏感信息的员工尤为重要,它概述了员工在保护隐私和数据安全方面的责任。


公司电子邮件使用、休息和出勤规则: 该部分概述了为专业目的使用公司电子邮件、工作时间休息和保持良好出勤率的指导原则。它让员工清楚地了解在守时和电子邮件沟通方面的要求。

电话使用指南(例如,工作时间不得打私人电话): 这是在工作场所适当使用私人电话的说明,强调应限制在工作时间打私人电话,以保持工作效率。

终止和辞职程序: 终止雇佣关系的程序,包括通知期和离职面谈。

申诉程序: 解决工作场所冲突或问题的步骤。

保密和数据保护: 处理公司信息和员工数据的政策。

员工权利与责任: 概述员工在工作场所的权利和义务。




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