Additional Paid Public Holidays for Private Sector Employees in Kuala Lumpur in this CNY?

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Additional Paid Public Holidays for Private Sector Employees in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur in this CNY – PDF

1. Whether there are Additional Paid Public Holidays for Private Sector Employees in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur in this CNY or not, we need to refer to the Employment Act 1955, or to the Employment Contract. 2. We would like to summarise the possibilities that may arise. 👉 As is customary, February 3 will be an additional paid public holiday. 👉 If the employer has not declared Chinese New Year a paid public holiday, everyone will receive a paid holiday on February 1 but must report to work on February 2 and 3. 👉 If a company declares Chinese New Year a paid public holiday but does not implement a substitution leave policy, the employee is only entitled to two days of paid leave on 1 and 2 February.


1. 究竟有没有补假,我们需要参照1955年劳工法令,又或者是雇佣合约的。

2. 我们总结一下,会出现的几种可能性:

👉 2月3日会是补假,这是在一般的情况下

👉 如果公司没有把华人新年列为公司的带薪公共假期,那么大家就只有2月1日这一天享有带薪假期

👉 如果公司有把华人新年列为带薪公共假期,但是没有补假的制度,员工的带薪假期就只是2月1日及2月2日这2天



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