Analysis of the Accounting Treatment for Disbursement in the e-invoice era

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Case Study: Logistics Company B, Shipping Company A, and Company XYZ


– Shipping Company A issues e-invoice (RM1,000) to Company XYZ

– Logistics Company B pays RM1,000 on behalf of Company XYZ

– Logistics Company B charges RM5,000 for their logistics services

Treatment 1 (Separate Handling):

When Logistics Company B pays on behalf:

DR: Disbursement Recoverable (Company XYZ) – RM1,000

CR: Bank – RM1,000

No e-invoice

When issuing e-invoice for logistics service only:

DR: Account Receivable (Company XYZ) – RM5,000

CR: Service Revenue – RM5,000

Classification Codes: 022

Treatment 2 (Combined in e-invoice):

When Logistics Company B pays on behalf:

DR: Disbursement Recoverable (Company XYZ) – RM1,000

CR: Bank – RM1,000

When issuing e-invoices including both service and disbursement:

DR: Account Receivable (Company XYZ) – RM5,000

CR: Service Revenue – RM5,000

Classification Codes: 022


DR: Account Receivable (Company XYZ) – RM1,000

CR: Disbursement Recoverable – RM1,000

Classification Codes: 006

Key Points:

1. Disbursement is not revenue for Logistics Company B

2. Treatment 2 requires proper classification codes:

– Logistics service (022)

– Disbursement (006)

3. The disbursement amount should be tracked separately in the accounting system even when included in the same e-invoice

This maintains the clarity of the financial records regarding actual revenue vs. disbursement recovery.

案例研究: B 物流公司、A 船运公司和 XYZ 公司


– 航运公司 A 向 XYZ 公司开具电子发票(RM1,000)。

– 物流公司 B 代表 XYZ 公司支付 RM1,000

– 物流公司 B 就其物流服务收取 RM 5,000 的费用

处理方式 1(单独处理):

当物流公司 B 代其付款时:

DR:可收回代付款(XYZ 公司)- RM 1,000

CR:银行 – RM1,000



DR: 应收账款(XYZ 公司)- RM5,000

CR:服务收入 – RM5,000

分类代码: 022

处理 2(包含在电子发票中):

当 B 物流公司代为付款时:

DR:可收回代付款(XYZ 公司)- RM1,000

CR:银行 – RM1,000


DR: 应收账款(XYZ 公司)- RM5,000

CR:服务收入 – RM5,000

分类代码: 022


DR:应收账款(XYZ 公司)- RM1,000

CR:可收回代付款 – RM1,000

分类编码: 006


1. 代付款不是 B 物流公司的收入。

2. 处理 2 需要正确的分类代码:

– 物流服务 (022)

– 付款 (006)

3. 即使在同一张电子发票中,也应在会计系统中单独跟踪付款金额。


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