United Nations : Releases New 2021 Practical Manual on Transfer Pricing

1. this third edition of the Manual: 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 1. 此手册的第三版: 👉 改进了可用性和实际相关性, 👉 在现有文本内,更新和改进了包括国家实践(D 部分),并增加了新内容,特别是关于金融交易、利润分配、集中采购功能 [centralized procurement functions] 和可比性问题。 👉 也针对手册中的信息和使用的示例,改进研发能力 10

Deed of Variation – Retirement Clause

This Deed of Variation – Retirement Provision allows an employer to change a retirement clause in an employment contract that requires employees to retire at a specific age, often 60. 🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵 这份《变更契约 — 退休条款》允许雇主变更雇佣合约中,要求雇员在特定年龄(通常为60岁)退休的退休条款。 Disclaimer The following templates are offered solely for educational and informational reasons: ✅ Please note that, even though the material is […]

Acknowledgement of Retirement

This Acknowledgement of Termination of Employment Contract for Reason of Retirement Letter should be used to confirm an employee’s retirement date and outline the applicable administrative requirements. Depending on whether or not the employee has used all their earned annual leave as of the retirement date, this example letter includes different provisions. 这封《因退休而终止雇佣合约的确认函》的主要目的是: 根据员工在退休日期前,是否已用完所有所享有的年假 [Annual […]

Notification of Intended Retirement Date

According to Section 4(1) of the Minimum Retirement Age Act 2012 (“the Act”), an employee’s minimum retirement age is 60 years. Pursuant to Section 6 of the Act, when an employee reaches the age of optional retirement, as stipulated in the employment contract or collective agreement, he or she may voluntarily retire by serving a […]

Guidance Notes for Employers Handling Retirements

Do you know what is the specified retirement age in Malaysia? What should an employer do if the employment contract is silent on the employee’s retirement age Prior to the coming into operation of the Minimum Retirement Age Act 2012, an employer could impose any retirement age that it deemed fit in its employment contracts, […]

Staff Handbook – Retirement Policy

The Minimum Retirement Age Act 2012, which took effect on July 1, 2013, governs the minimum retirement age for Malaysian employees. According to Section 4(1) of the Minimum Retirement Age Act 2012, an employee’s minimum retirement age is 60 years. 马来西亚雇员的最低退休年龄由 2013年7月1日生效的《2012年最低退休年龄法令》规定。 根据《2012年最低退休年龄法令》第 4(1)条,雇员的最低退休年龄应在雇员年满60岁时。 Disclaimer The following templates are offered solely for educational and informational […]

Termination of Employment Checklist

When an employee quits the company, this Termination of Employment Checklist should be used to confirm that the employer has completed all of the essential steps. When an employee resigns, whether or not they are departing of their own decision, the Checklist should be completed. 1. 此终止雇用检查表/清单,应被用来确保雇主在雇员离开公司时,完成所有必要的程序。 2. 当每个员工辞职时,无论他们是否自愿离开,都应填写该清单。 3. 任何具有法律影响的书信文件,本质上就具有诉讼性,用人单位在执行前,强烈建议让律师审查。 👉 确保你与你的律师沟通,让律师审查书信文件的法律含义和适当的措辞。 Disclaimer The […]

Letter Enclosing a Settlement Agreement

This Letter Enclosing a Settlement Arrangement is a cover letter informing the employee that he or she is required to seek independent legal counsel regarding the agreement. 这封随和解协议而来的信是一封封面信 [cover letter],通知雇员该协议需要独立的法律意见 Disclaimer The following templates are offered solely for educational and informational reasons: ✅ Please note that, even though the material is helpful, there is no […]