1. It was announced by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in a press release that the government has agreed to exempt from taxation until December 31, 2026 :
👉 all sorts of foreign income generated by individuals, as well as
👉 dividend income earned by Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships.
2. However, this will be subject to the eligibility conditions stated in the guidelines to be issued later.
3. Download Press Release – https://lnkd.in/erXmAdXD
1. 根据财政部的刚刚发布的新闻稿,政府已同意对以下事项豁免征税至2026年12月31日:
👉 个人所产生的各种海外收入;以及 👉 公司和有限责任公司 [LLP] 获得的股息收入。
2. 所需要的条件,将会在稍后发布的指南中列出。
3. 下载财政部新闻稿 – https://lnkd.in/erXmAdXD

1. Issue No. 103/2021: Finance Bill 2021 Highlights – No more Exemption on Foreign Sourced Income remitted to Malaysia [2021年财政法案亮点 – 源自外国汇入马来西亚的收入,不再获得豁免] https://lnkd.in/eCS24pA3
2. What Is International Tax? [什么是国际税收] https://lnkd.in/eiuiC4f4
3. International Organizations involved In International Tax – OECD [涉及国际税收的国际组织 – 经合组织] https://lnkd.in/e_uDSM-S
4. International Organizations involved In International Tax – G 20 [涉及国际税收的国际组织 – G 20] https://lnkd.in/ehZnNjwh
5. International Organizations involved In International Tax – G20/OECD Inclusive Framework, World Bank Group & IMF [涉及国际税收的国际组织] https://lnkd.in/eKdW5UdE
6. International Organizations involved In International Tax – The UN [涉及国际税收的国际组织] https://lnkd.in/ermXNTq2
7. Residence Jurisdiction vs. Source Jurisdiction [来源地管辖权 vs. 居民管辖权] https://lnkd.in/eCit6_dc
8. Jurisdiction to Tax – The logic behind “Source Jurisdiction / Territorial Concept.” [税收管辖区 – “来源地管辖权”背后的逻辑] https://lnkd.in/eyp-SY_k
9. Jurisdiction to Tax – The logic behind “Residence Jurisdiction.” [税收管辖区 – “居民地管辖权”背后的逻辑] https://lnkd.in/eyzTrxpN
10. The Principle of Territorial-Residence Jurisdiction [属地兼属人管辖原则] https://lnkd.in/ehXXBXmd
11. Special Income Remittance Programme to Malaysian Residents – No more Exemption on Foreign Sourced Income remitted to Malaysia [马来西亚居民收入汇款特别计划 – 源自外国汇入马来西亚的收入,不再获得豁免] https://lnkd.in/ez4bpY3W
12. Double Taxation vs. Double Non-Taxation [双重征税 vs. 双重不征税] https://lnkd.in/etfYgkXK
13. Legal International Double Taxation [法律性国际双重征税] https://lnkd.in/e8zX9kP2
14. Methods used by Resident Countries to Cope with Double Taxation [居民国应对双重征税的方法] https://lnkd.in/e77aSCnE
15. Economic International Double Taxation [经济性国际双重征税] https://lnkd.in/ewWDxjZ3
16. Income Tax Treatment of Pensions (Provident Fund) [退休金或公积金@所得税处理] https://lnkd.in/eJVNzteR
17. Defining Residence [居民身份@界定] https://lnkd.in/eHfK49iB 18. An Individual’s Tax Residence under s 7(1)(a) ITA 1967 [1967年所得税法令第7(1)(a)条 @ 居民身份] https://lnkd.in/eJHAdE_D
19. An Individual’s Tax Residence under s 7(1)(b) ITA 1967 [1967年所得税法令第7(1)(b)条 @ 居民身份] https://lnkd.in/eT5HcfWH
20. An Individual’s Tax Residence under s 7(1)(b) ITA 1967 -Temporary Absences [1967年所得税法令第7(1)(b)条 @ 居民身份 – – 暂时性不在] https://lnkd.in/erW_Jxwd
21. Tax Residence under s 7(1)(c) ITA 1967 [1967年所得税法令第7(1)(c)条 @ 居民身份] https://lnkd.in/eMw82gE9
22. Tax Residence under s 7(1)(d) ITA 1967 [1967年所得税法令第7(1)(d)条 @ 居民身份] https://lnkd.in/eeYZy7Nq
23. Tax Residence under s 7(1A)ITA 1967 – A ‘day.’ [1967年所得税法令第7(1A)条 @ 居民身份: 一天的定义] https://lnkd.in/eS4JVgCr
24. Move to tax Foreign-Sourced Income in Malaysia is not a surprise [马来西亚对源自国外的收入征税 的举措并不令人意外] https://lnkd.in/e-kqYmuq
25. Special Income Remittance Programme to Malaysian Residents [源自外国汇入马来西亚的收入 特别报税方案] https://lnkd.in/eqhVhXda
26. Work on board, e.g. as a sailor, Subject to Tax? [在船上工作,如水手 中 Tax 吗] https://lnkd.in/ee6bgchw
27. Work onboard – Deeming Provisions of Employment Income [船员 – 就业收入认定条款 ] https://lnkd.in/eZv55cdV
28. What Exactly is Considered a Taxable Remittance: 1 – Introduction
[究竟什么才会被认为是”应税汇款”: 1 – 概述] https://lnkd.in/eKVzZqeQ
29. What Exactly is Considered a Taxable Remittance: 2 – Definition & Examples of Remittances
[究竟什么才会被认为是”汇兑”: 2 – “汇兑”的定义及例子] https://lnkd.in/ewmKMjC5
30. What Exactly is Considered a Taxable Remittance: 3 – How do I know What Income or Gains I Have Remitted?
[究竟什么才会被认为是”汇兑”: 3 – 我如何知道 我汇兑了哪些收入或收益?] https://lnkd.in/esiM6_ZX
31. What Exactly is Considered a Taxable Remittance: 4 – Should I Remit or Not?
[究竟什么才会被认为是”汇兑”: 4 – 我是否应该汇兑?] https://lnkd.in/exSEf5nq
32. Tax Residents to be exempted from tax on the foreign-sourced income until Dec 31, 2026 [税务居民源自国外的收入将被免征税至2026年12月31日] https://lnkd.in/eAu5rcJK
33. Termination of Special Income Remittance Program [最新消息 – 源自海外收入特别汇款计划] https://lnkd.in/euW8CJzm
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