Form C YA 2022 – Characterisation of Entities for TP Purposes: Manufacturing Activities

Recent changes were made to Form C by the Inland Revenue Board in preparation for the YA 2022. One of the most important changes is for those businesses participating in transfer pricing arrangements. As a result, the disclosure items have been significantly expanded to cover new areas. These new areas include, among other things, stating the characterisation of your company […]

TP FAQs: Positioning of an Import-Processing Company | 海外进料加工企业如何定位

Processing with imported materials means using your own foreign exchange to buy raw materials, components or parts in the international market and then processing and assembling them into finished products according to your own design for export to foreign markets. This practice is also known as “importing to feed the exporters” in China. Processing with […]

TP FAQs: Positioning of a Toll Manufacturer | 付费生产、来料加工企业如何定位

The principal keeps ownership of the raw materials, work-in-process, and finished products at all times during the manufacturing process when working with a toll manufacturer. The raw materials are owned by the related-party manufacturer, who then makes them available to the toll manufacturer so that they can be processed (that is, the toll manufacturer does […]