The Structure of ISQM 1 and the Components

ISQC 1 includes six elements for which the firm needs to design policies and procedures. ISQM 1 has eight components. The components in ISQM 1 are aligned with the elements in ISQC 1 and include two new components: ISQC 1 包括六个要素,事务所需要为其设计政策和程序。 ISQM 1 有八个组成部分。ISQM 1 的组成部分与 ISQC 1 的要素相一致,并包括两个新的组成部分 ISQM 1 comprises of: The firm […]

Improving Audit Quality 3: An Overview of ISQM 1 – Firm’s System of Quality Management

What? The International Standard on Quality Management 1 (ISQM 1) – Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance or Related Services Engagements strengthens firms’ quality management systems by taking a robust, proactive, and effective approach to quality management. The standard encourages firms to design a system of quality […]