The Absence of a Domestic Inquiry is not Fatal

section 14(1)(a) of the Employment Act 1955 A “Due Inquiry” or “Domestic Inquiry” is one of the processes that must be carried out before dismissal for misconduct can be justified, as required by section 14(1)(a) of the Employment Act 1955. This procedure must be carried out before the dismissal can be justified. When wrongdoing is […]

2. Absence From Work Without Permission

Employee Absenteeism Vs Puzzle To successfully run a business in the modern-day is analogous to putting together a mammoth puzzle. A jigsaw puzzle in which the pieces, which represent your staff and the goals they have, are dispersed across the board. And the whole thing stays unfinished if even one of the pieces is absent […]

Industrial Relations (Amendment) Regulations 2022: Regulation 13

1. On 6 April 2022, the Minister, in the exercise of the powers conferred by section 62 of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 [Act 177], gazetted the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Regulations 2022 [P.U. (A) 99] to amend the Minister’s decision on Trade Union recognition. 👉 The Industrial Relations Regulations 2009 [P.U. (A) 356/2009], which are […]