Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 6- Conflicts of Interest

1. Conflicts of interest are the type of situation that is most directly associated with the principle of objectivity. All PAs are prohibited from compromising their professional or business judgement as a result of bias, a conflict of interest, or the undue influence of others, according to the Code. 2. Having conflicts of interest isn’t […]

Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 7 – Inducements, Including Gifts and Hospitality

1. Inducements are defined in the IESBA Code as “anything used to influence the behaviour of another individual.” 2. At times, this influence occurs naturally as a result of commercial relationship development, but at other times, the incentive is intended to improperly encourage someone to act unethically. 3. Inducements can range from conventional business partners’ […]