5: International Organizations involved In International Tax – United Nations

1. Finally, since the 1970s, the UN has been involved in international tax issues by developing a model tax convention for tax treaties between developed and developing countries. 2. The UN Model Convention is the responsibility of the United Nations Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters (the UN Committee of Experts), which […]

6: Jurisdiction to Tax – Introduction

Jurisdiction to Tax – Introduction – PDF 1. Under a country’s tax law, income may be taxed if there is a nexus between that country and the activity that generated the income. According to international practice, the assertion of jurisdiction based on this nexus is called “Source Jurisdiction [Territorial Concept].“ 2. All countries that impose […]

7: Jurisdiction to Tax – Source Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction to Tax – Source Jurisdiction [税收管辖区 – 来源地管辖权] – PDF 1. Source jurisdiction for tax purposes means that a country (let’s assume it’s your country) taxes non-resident individuals and corporations on income generated within that country (i.e., from your country). 2. In principle, this tax regime is aimed at income derived by non-residents from […]

8: Jurisdiction to Tax – Residence Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction to Tax – Residence Jurisdiction [税收管辖区 – 居民管辖权] – PDF 1. Resident jurisdiction involves taxing the foreign-source income (of course, also including your country itself) of individuals and corporations resident in your country, which means taxing the taxpayer’s worldwide income. 2. This includes the income derived by residents from the sale (or provision for […]

No More Exemption on Foreign Sourced Income Remitted to Malaysia

1. No more Exemption on Foreign Sourced Income remitted to Malaysia! 2. This is undoubtedly a contentious subject, as many taxpayers were taken aback by the move in Budget 2022 to tax foreign-sourced income received by Malaysian individuals and corporate residents. 3. Any taxes paid outside of Malaysia on the foreign income remitted can be […]