Quick Facts: How to Prepare Forms E and EA

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We are pleased to announce that CCS will hold a Facebook Live-sharing session on “Quick Facts: How to Prepare Form E and EA” on March 23, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This sharing was initially meant for in-house training, but we have decided to open it up to the public for free. The session will be in Mandarin, and the speaker will be the founder of CCS, Mr. Chin.

In Malaysia, Form E and Form EA are essential tax forms for filing employee income tax returns. Employers must submit Form E, the Employer’s Return of Remuneration to Employees, to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) of Malaysia. It contains details on salaries, bonuses, and other forms of remuneration paid to employees during the year. The IRB uses this form to verify employees’ income tax returns.

Employers must also prepare Form EA, the Statement of Remuneration from Employment, for their employees. It contains details on the remuneration paid to the employee during the year and the amount of tax deducted from their salary. Employees must use this information to prepare their personal income tax returns.

In this sharing session, we will explain what information is needed for Form E and Form EA and how to prepare it. It is an excellent opportunity to learn about and understand the importance of these forms.

Please join us on March 23, 2023, at 9 a.m. to gain valuable insights –


我们很高兴地宣布,CCS将于2023年3月23日上午9点至下午1点,在 Facebook 上举行 “如何快速准备 Form E & Form EA“。

这次分享会原本是为 CCS 内部培训而准备的,但循众要求,因此我们决定免费公开给大家参与学习。该课程将以华语进行,主讲人是 CCS 的创始人 Mr Chin。

在马来西亚,Form E 和 Form EA 是申报雇员所得税的基本税表。

雇主必须向马来西亚内陆税收局(IRB)提交 Form E,即雇主对雇员的薪酬申报。 它包含了一年内支付给雇员的工资、奖金和其他形式的报酬的详细信息。IRB 使用此表格内的信息,来核实雇员的所得税申报。

雇主还必须为其雇员准备 Form EA,即就业薪酬报表。它包含了一年内支付给雇员的报酬以及从其工资中扣除的税款的细节。雇员必须使用这些信息来准备他们的个人所得税申报。

这一次的分享会,我们将解读 Form E 和 Form EA 所需要的信息以及要如何去准备。这是一个学习和了解这些表格的重要性的绝佳机会。请于2023年3月23日早上9点加入我们,一起探讨与学习。

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