Malaysia’s Plastics Sustainability Roadmap 2021 – 2030

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Align with the sustainable development agenda, Malaysia is moving towards plastic circularity to close the waste loop and protect the environment.

Shifting from a linear to a circular economy for plastics is crucial to decoupling Malaysia’s growth from environmental degradation and will help ensure a more sustainable way of life for future generations.

This Malaysia Plastics Sustainability Roadmap was developed through various stakeholders’ active and dedicated participation, representing federal and state governments, international organisations, academia, associations, industry players, financial institutions, and non-governmental organisations.

All the valuable inputs were discussed, analysed and consolidated to shape this document.

This Malaysia Plastics Sustainability Roadmap is crafted to help inform all stakeholders about the opportunities and necessary measures we must take to unlock the potential value of the plastics industry and subsequently achieve plastics circularity while also supporting the government and global agenda towards a healthier, cleaner and sustainable Malaysia.



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