Kevin’s Insights: A Glimpse into Corporate Health Checks

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Dear Friends,

On the 16th of October, we organised a dynamic 6-in-1 Corporate Health Check event with a primary focus on your corporate health.

The event brought together numerous participants, including our friend Kevin, who kindly agreed to share his personal experience and thoughts in an interview with our staff.

Kevin truly grasped the importance of the 6-in-1 Corporate Health Check event and considered it a valuable way to prioritise the health and growth of our organisation.

In the video interview, he opens up about his insights and why he encourages more individuals to participate in similar events in the future.

We invite you to watch Kevin’s video interview, where you’ll find his valuable advice and insights. We hope it will provide you with essential information about corporate health checks. Take this opportunity to listen to Kevin’s story and be inspired to delve deeper into corporate health check practices.

We extend our gratitude for your participation and ongoing support. Let’s join hands to care for corporate health and work towards achieving the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals for enduring business success! 亲爱的朋友们,


这个活动汇聚了许多参与者,其中之一就是我们的朋友 Kevin。他在活动后接受了我们工作人员的采访,分享了他的亲身经历和感受。

Kevin 深切体验到了这次6合1企业健康检测活动的重要性,并认为这是关注企业健康成长的一种重要方式。


我们邀请您观看 Kevin 的采访视频,了解他的见解和建议,同时也希望您能从中汲取一些关于企业健康检测的宝贵经验。

一起来听听 Kevin 的分享,激发对企业健康的更多关注。

感谢您的参与和支持,让我们一起关心企业健康,共同追求企业长青的 ESG 目标!

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