Scope of this ISQC | 范围
This International Standard on Quality Control (ISQC) addresses a firm’s duties regarding its quality control system for audits and reviews of financial statements and other assurance and related services engagements.
The ISQC 1 should be read in conjunction with any applicable ethical requirements.
Additional standards and guidance on the obligations of firm personnel regarding quality control processes for various types of engagements are outlined in other pronouncements made by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). For instance, the International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 220 addresses quality control procedures for audits of financial statements.
A quality control system is made up of policies intended to accomplish the objective and the procedures required to apply those policies and ensure that they are being followed.
国际审计与鉴证准则理事会的其他公告针对会计师事务所人员有关特定类型业务的质量控制程序的责任,制定了额外的准则和指引。例如,国际审计准则第 220 号 1规定了财务报表审计的质量控制程序。
质量控制制度包括为实现第 11 段规定的目标而制定的政策,以及为执行政策和监控政策的遵守情况而制定的必要程序。
Objective | 目的
The objective of the firm is to establish and maintain a system of quality control to provide it with reasonable assurance that:
- The firm and its personnel comply with professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements; and
- Reports issued by the firm or engagement partners are appropriate in the circumstances.
ISQC 1 – Firm-Level Quality Control | 事务所层面的质量控制
ISQC 1 identifies six building blocks of a firm’s system of quality control:
- Leadership responsibilities for quality within the firm.
- Relevant ethical requirements.
- Acceptance and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements.
- Human resources.
- Engagement performance.
- Monitoring
Considerations Specific to Smaller Firms | 对小型会计师事务所的特殊考虑
This ISQC does not demand compliance with rules that are not applicable, such as in the case of a sole practitioner who does not have any personnel.
In the absence of staff, the requirements outlined in this ISQC, such as policies and procedures for assigning appropriate personnel to the engagement team, review responsibilities, and the annual communication of the results of monitoring to engagement partners within the firm, are irrelevant.
Documentation | 记录
The firm shall document its policies and procedures and communicate them to its personnel.
Communication of quality control policies and procedures to firm personnel typically includes a description of the quality control policies and procedures and the objectives they are designed to achieve.
Additionally, the message that each individual carries personal responsibility for quality and is expected to comply with these policies and procedures is conveyed during this communication phase.
It is essential to realise the significance of getting feedback on a company’s quality control system. One way to do so is to encourage employees at the firm to voice their opinions or concerns regarding issues about quality control.
However, SMPs may have a less formal and detailed approach to documenting and communicating their policies and procedures compared to larger firms.
*Quick note to Audit Firms:
Firms are recommended to research the requirements of the three new quality management standards that have been adopted by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). These standards are scheduled to become effective on December 15, 2022.
The standards, which include the International Standards on Quality Management ISQM 1 and ISQM 2, as well as the International Standard on Auditing ISA 220 Revised, are an evolution from a traditional, more linear approach to quality control.
They are intended to create a more robust System of Quality Management for Firms that use the standards developed by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).
The new standards provide an approach to audit quality management that is robust, scalable, and proactive. This approach is essential to ensuring that the auditing profession will continue to be trusted and viable in the future.
这些标准包括《国际质量管理标准》(ISQM 1)和《国际质量管理标准》(ISQM 2),以及《国际审计标准》(ISA 220)修订版,是对传统以及更加线性的质量控制方法的演变。