Public Ruling No. 7/2022: Venture Capital Tax Incentives

On 23 December 2022, the IRB released PR No. 7/2022 on Venture Capital Tax Incentives, which replaces the previously issued PR No. 2/2016 from 9 May 2016. The new 17-page PR contains the following contents and includes six examples:- The newly published PR No. 7/2022 is mainly similar to PR No. 2/2016. It provides an […]

Weekly Holidays Act 1950 Applies to Shops, Restaurants and Theatres

Weekly Holidays Act 1950 is an Act to provide a weekly holiday for persons employed in shops, restaurants and theatres. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- “restaurant” means any premises in which is carried on principally or wholly the business of supplying meals or refreshments to the public or a class of the […]

The Roadmap to a Career in Transfer Pricing: Key Courses and Specialisations

Transfer pricing refers to setting prices for goods or services traded between related companies or entities within the same corporate group. In the tax context, transfer pricing can shift profits from one tax jurisdiction to another to minimise taxes owed. This can involve setting prices for transactions between companies in different countries, which are often […]