Bursa Malaysia: The Third Guidebook of the Public Listed Companies Transformation Programme

Photo: KH Sim On August 19, 2022, Bursa Malaysia Berhad (also known simply as Bursa Malaysia) published the third digital Guidebook as part of its Public Listed Companies Transformation (‘PLCT’) Programme for users to gain an understanding and appreciation of critical areas that will support towards a more responsible and high performing Corporate Malaysia. To […]

Employees’ Social Security & Employment Insurance System (Amendment) Bills 2022

Employees’ Social Security (Amendment) Bill 2022 On August 9, 2022, the Employees’ Social Security (Amendment) Bill 2022 was approved by the Dewan Negara (House of Senates) of the Malaysian Parliament to make changes to the Employees’ Social Security Act 1969. Employment Insurance System (Amendment) Bills 2022 The Employment Insurance System (Amendment) Bill 2022 was also […]

MoHR postpones implementing Employment Act amendment to Jan 1 2023

Announcement The Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR) announced that it would be delaying the implementation of the Amendments to the Employment Act 1955 until January 1, 2023, rather than the previously scheduled September 1, 2022. Minister Datuk Seri M Saravanan, who was in charge of making the decision, stated that it arrived after consultations with […]

Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill 2022

The bill was brought to the Dewan Rakyat for its first reading in March. Trade Union Act 1959 Trade Union is an organised association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests. The Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill 2022 was drafted following the principles of […]

IRBM’s Response to CTIM on Appeal Regarding Time Extension Request

In response to the member’s request for an extension of time (EOT) to submit the Income Tax Return Forms(ITRFs), CTIM has sent an appeal letter to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM). AND the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board has replied as follows: Disclaimer: The information in this article should not be construed as legal […]