Staff Handbook – Social Media Policy

This Social Media Policy has been drafted as a stand-alone policy to govern employees’ usage of social media platforms while they are on the job. It is possible to use this in conjunction with the Communications, Email, and Internet Policy. The alluring pull of making one more post, one more share, or one more like […]

Staff Handbook – Whistleblowing Policy

Clauses have been included in this Whistleblowing Policy that emphasises how important it is to disclose any action related to corruption. As stipulated in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, this is to assist companies in fostering an anti-bribery culture within the organisation. 《举报政策》为员工提供法律保护,使他们不会因为公开披露某些严重问题而被用人单位解雇或处罚。 本政策的目的是确保任何员工在提出合理关切时,都不应感到处于不利地位。 此《举报政策》中包含一些条款,强调报告任何与贪污相关的活动的重要性。 这是为了帮助公司根据《 2009年马来西亚反贪污委员会法令》的要求,鼓励公司内部的反贿赂文化。 Disclaimer The following templates are offered solely […]

Staff Handbook – Communications, Email, and Internet Policy

This Communications, Email and Internet Policy defines what the company considers to be an acceptable use of its communications facilities, with particular attention paid to the use of email, telephones, and the internet. Specifically, the policy outlines what the company considers to be an acceptable use of its communications facilities. Within the framework of the […]

Staff Handbook – Environmental Policy

A company’s Environmental Policy is a written commitment that it makes to the individuals working within the organisation and its customers and suppliers. It reaffirms the company’s dedication to the pursuit of continuous improvement in the management of environmental issues. This commitment includes the appropriate management and monitoring of waste, the reduction of pollution and […]

Staff Handbook – Severe Weather and Disruption to Public Transport Policy

This Severe Weather and Disruption to Public Transport Policy is intended to cover the scenario in which employees have difficulty commuting to work as a result of severe weather or disruptions to public transportation. Suppose an employee does not show up for work or arrives late because of inclement weather or disruptions to public transportation. […]