Income Tax (Exemption) (No. 12) Order 2021: Arts or Cultural Activities, Sports, etc.

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1. On 27 December 2021, the Minister, in the exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 127(3)(b) of the Income Tax Act 1967 [Act 53], gazetted the Income Tax (Exemption) (No. 12) Order 2021 [P.U. (A) 478]

2. This Order has effect from the year of assessment 2020 until the year of assessment 2025.

3. The Minister exempts from payment of income tax any promoter for any arts or cultural activities, sports, or recreational competitions of international standard from payment of income tax on fifty percent of the statutory income derived from the organisation of such activities.

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1. 2021 年 12 月 27 日,部长行使 1967年所得税法令 [法案53] 第 127(3)(b) 段所赋予的权力,在宪报上颁布了 2021年所得税(豁免)(第12号) 指令 [P.U. (A) 478]。

2. 此指命令从2020年的评估年度 [year of assessment] 开始生效,直到2025年的评估年度。

3. 部长对任何国际标准的艺术或文化活动、体育或娱乐比赛的推广者对组织此类活动所得的50%法定收入 [Statutory Income] 免征所得税。

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