Improving Audit Quality 2: What is Audit Quality?

Sadly, there is no one agreed-upon definition of what constitutes a quality audit. The Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) identifies the following as the two primary pillars around which audit quality is built: (*) Independence refers to external auditors’ interests being independent of those of company management Several elements determine the quality of an audit; […]

Improving Audit Quality 3: An Overview of ISQM 1 – Firm’s System of Quality Management

What? The International Standard on Quality Management 1 (ISQM 1) – Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance or Related Services Engagements strengthens firms’ quality management systems by taking a robust, proactive, and effective approach to quality management. The standard encourages firms to design a system of quality […]

Improving Audit Quality 1: An Overview

Back to N Years Ago When I was younger (wow, this makes me feel so old), audit quality was not really a “thing.” I watched my superiors perform audits they believed to be sufficient, and my colleagues and I were taught to follow in their footsteps. We conducted what we believed to be good audits […]