Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 10 – Pressure to Breach the Fundamental Principles

Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 10 – Pressure to Breach the Fundamental Principles – PDF Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 10 – Pressure to Breach the Fundamental Principles 1. Because of the wide range of professional services that Professional Accountants (PAs) perform, they may be under pressure from a client, supervisor, or other individuals (for […]

Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 12 – The Building Blocks Installment

1. The International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) (the Code) sets out the fundamental principles of ethics for professional accountants (PAs), reflecting the profession’s public interest responsibility. The principles apply to all PAs irrespective of their roles and responsibilities. 2. Together with the Code’s conceptual framework, the principles provide a […]

Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 2 – The Conceptual Framework – Step 1

1. When undertaking audits, reviews, and other assurance engagements, auditors and assurance practitioners are required to maintain independence. 2. They, too, must employ the conceptual framework in order to identify, evaluate, and address threats to independence. 3. Join our Telegram 👉 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 1. 在进行审计、审查和其他鉴证业务时,审计师和鉴证从业人员必须保持独立性。 2. 他们也必须采用概念框架,以鉴定、评价和处理对独立性的威胁。 3. 加入我们的 Telegram 群 👉 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳 EXPLORING […]

Exploring The IESBA Code 3 – The Conceptual Framework-Evaluating Threats

1. Professional accountants are guided by a set of core principles that assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities to operate in the public’s best interests. 2. It is necessary to assess any potential challenges to compliance with the fundamental principles. 3. Therefore, the next step is to evaluate whether the identified threats are at an […]

Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 4 – The Conceptual Framework – Step 3

Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 4 – The Conceptual Framework – Step 3 Addressing Threats 1. The IESBA Code helps professional accountants (PAs) meet their responsibility to act in the public interest. 2. The Code provides a conceptual framework that specifies a three-step approach that all PAs can apply to identify, evaluate and address threats […]

Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 5 – Independence

1. Among other things, the International Independence Standards (IIS) mandate that professional accountants (PAs) in public practice be independent when doing audits, reviews, or other assurance engagement, in addition to adhering to the fundamental principles. 2. Independence is closely linked to the principles of integrity and objectivity and is an important element of serving the […]

Exploring The IESBA Code Installment 6- Conflicts of Interest

1. Conflicts of interest are the type of situation that is most directly associated with the principle of objectivity. All PAs are prohibited from compromising their professional or business judgement as a result of bias, a conflict of interest, or the undue influence of others, according to the Code. 2. Having conflicts of interest isn’t […]