Amendment to Section 131A

Section 131A “Relief other than in respect of error or mistake” is read as follows: Section 131A(1) Where any person who has furnished to the Director General a return for a year of assessment in accordance with subsection 77(1) or 77A(1) and has paid tax for that year of assessment alleges that the assessment relating […]

Amendment of Section 138 – Certain Material to be Treated as Confidential

“Section 138 Certain Material to be Treated as Confidential” is read as follows:- Section 138(1) [Classified person] Subject to this section, every classified person shall regard and deal with classified material as confidential; and, if he is an official, he shall make and subscribe before the prescribed authority a declaration in the prescribed form that […]

New section 134A: Power of Director General to issue Guidelines

Finance (No. 2) Bill 2023 proposed that the Income Tax Act 1967 is amended by inserting after section 134 the following section: “Power of Director General to issue guidelines 134A. (1) The Director General may issue guidelines as the Director General thinks expedient or necessary to clarify the provisions of this Act or to facilitate […]

Amendment of Section 120 – Other Offences

Section 120 Other Offences is read as follows:- s 120(1) Any person who, without reasonable excuse: shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than two hundred ringgit and not more than twenty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months […]