Labour Economics

Labour Market The labour market represents the supply and demand of labour. It is an arena in which employers and employees interact to exchange services. Employers attempt to acquire the most suitable workers for their needs, while job seekers search for employment that suits their qualifications. Labour Economics Labour Economics is a field of study […]

Differentiate between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management

Personnel management and human resource management are two distinct approaches to managing employees within organisations. While they share some common responsibilities, the two have notable differences. While personnel management considers employees as a tool, HRM specialists encourage organisations to view them as assets that should be invested in, which are to be valued, used and […]

Overview of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human resource management (HRM) is essential to businesses because it facilitates the efficient management of employees and ensures the achievement of the company’s goals and objectives. This article will discuss human resource management, how it works, and why it’s important in modern business. Table of Contents 1. HRM: A Brief Overview Human resource management is […]