Is Dividend Income Taxable?

1. Malaysia has a single-tier taxation structure: 👉 Dividends are tax-exempt in shareholders’ hands. 👉 Dividends distributed to shareholders are not required to be taxed, and no tax credits will be available to reduce the shareholders’ tax liability. 2. Join our Telegram – 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 1. 马来西亚的税收结构是单层的: 👉 股息在股东手中是免税的。 👉 因此,分配给股东的股息股东不需要再纳税,也不会有税收抵免来减少股东的税负。 2. 不知不觉,又到了个人所得税申报的季节了,你是否准备好了呢? 3. 如果你还在为自己的个人所得税忧心,不妨报名参加 […]

1: Tax Incentives for The East Coast Economic Region (ECER) – Tax Exemption

1. The East Coast Economic Region (ECER) was formed in 2007 with the launch of the ECER Master Plan by the Federal Government. 2. The formation of ECER was intended to accelerate economic growth and ensure equitable distribution of wealth across the country, in line with national aspirations to become a high-income developed nation by […]